Community awareness is a key factor in maintaining public confidence and integrity in our operations. Emergency planning and preparedness are essential to ensure that in the event o an incident, all necessary actions taken for the protection of the public, environment and company personnel assets.
A system is in place to ensure recognition and response to the community’s expectation and for effective compliance by both our staff and clients respectively. It also outlines procedures for assessing essential safety, health and environmental information and accessing personnel and material resources.
The management establishes policy, provides perspective, set expectation and provides resources for successful concerns about our operations. This system is properly documented, accessible and clearly communicated operation. Assurance of operations integrity required commitment visible to the organization and accountability at all levels.
We wish you the best in out transactions while ensuring total achievement in all goals and objectives as regards our organization and that of clients.
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Our company has a well-articulated team of trained personnel that carry out planning and execution of every job and basic procedures in achieving its goal and objectives.
Inherent safety can be and risk to health and the environment minimized by using sound standards, procedures and management systems for the goods and services.
A system is in place to ensure that project management procedures are well understood, well documented and executed by qualified personnel.
A quality control system is also in place to ensure that our services are in accordance with the applicable standards.
Our company operates at the most effective methods and delivers at a specific timeframe and deals with clients on personal conditions. Operations of facilities within established parameters and regulations are essential. This requires effective procedures, structured inspection and maintenance system, reliable safety and control facilities, qualified personnel who consistently execute these procedures and practices.
A system is in place to ensure that applicable laws, regulations and permit requirements are met. It includes a process to periodically verify compliance and provides for updating at specified intervals and when changes are made.
Hose and Oilfield Services Ltd is committed to conducting business in a manner that is compatible with environmental and the economic needs of all our communities in which we operate. These protect safety and health of our employees including those involved in our operations, our customers and the public. These commitments are documented in our Safety, Health and Environment policies.
Established in 200 under the relevant laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, our company offers the following services:
It has been the policy of our company to effectively carry out businesses to meet the standards required by our clients, and the staffs have all the expertise to carry out qualitative business dealings with all our numerous clients. The company’s safety policy is aimed at reducing the risk to safety, health and the environment and mitigating the consequences of such incidents by providing essential information for decision-making.